Continuous diffusive measurement
Work in progress.
This tutorial is under construction, this is a draft version.
In this example, we use the dq.dsmesolve()
solver to simulate stochastic trajectories of quantum systems continuously measured by a diffusive detector.
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import dynamiqs as dq
dq.plot.mplstyle(dpi=150) # set custom matplotlib style
We consider a qubit starting from \(\ket{\psi_0}=\ket+_x=(\ket0+\ket1)/\sqrt2\), with no unitary dynamic \(H=0\) and a single loss operator \(L=\sigma_z\) which is continuously measured by a diffusive detector with efficiency \(\eta\). We expect stochastic trajectories to project the qubit onto either of the \(\sigma_z\) eigenstates.
# define Hamiltonian, jump operators, efficiencies, initial state
H = dq.zeros(2)
jump_ops = [dq.sigmaz()]
etas = [1.0]
psi0 = (dq.ground() + dq.excited()).unit()
# define save times
nbins = 100
delta_t = 1/nbins
tsave = np.linspace(0, 1.0, nbins+1)
# define a certain number of PRNG key, one for each trajectory
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(20)
ntrajs = 5
keys = jax.random.split(key, ntrajs)
# simulate trajectories
solver = dq.solver.EulerMaruyama(dt=1e-3)
result = dq.dsmesolve(H, jump_ops, etas, psi0, tsave, keys, solver=solver)
==== DSMESolveResult ====
Solver : EulerMaruyama
Infos : 1000 steps | infos shape (5,)
States : QArray complex64 (5, 101, 2, 2) | 15.8 Kb
Measurements : Array float32 (5, 1, 100) | 2.0 Kb
>>> result.states.shape # (ntrajs, ntsave, n, n)
(5, 101, 2, 2)
>>> result.measurements.shape # (ntrajs, nLm, ntsave-1)
(5, 1, 100)
Individual trajectories
Iks = result.measurements[:, 0]
for Ik in Iks:
plt.plot(tsave[:-1], Ik, lw=1.5)
title=rf'Simulated measurements for 5 trajectories',
ylabel=r'$I^{[t,t+\Delta t)}$',
Cumulative measurements
for Ik in Iks:
cumsum_Ik = jnp.cumsum(Ik)
plt.plot(tsave[1:], cumsum_Ik, lw=1.5)
plt.axhline(0, ls='--', lw=1.0, color='gray')
title=r'Integral of the measurement record',
ylabel=r'$Y_t=\int_0^t \mathrm{d}Y_s$',
Projection onto \(\sigma_z\) eigenstate
expects_all = dq.expect(dq.sigmaz(), result.states).real
for expects in expects_all:
plt.plot(tsave, expects, lw=1.5)
plt.axhline(-1, ls='--', lw=1.0, color='gray')
plt.axhline(1, ls='--', lw=1.0, color='gray')
title=r'Time evolution of $\sigma_z$ expectation value',
ylim=(-1.1, 1.1),
Quantum harmonic oscillator
We consider a quantum harmonic oscillator starting from \(\ket\alpha\), with Hamiltonian \(H=\omega a^\dagger a\) and a single loss operator \(L=\sqrt\kappa a\) which is continuously measured by heterodyne detection along the \(X\) and \(P\) quadratures with efficiency \(\eta\), resulting in two a diffusive measurement records \(I_X\) and \(I_P\). For this example the measurement backaction is null.
# define Hamiltonian, jump operators, efficiencies, initial state
n = 16
a = dq.destroy(n)
kappa = 1.0
omega = 10.0
alpha0 = 2.0
H = omega * a.dag() @ a
jump_ops = [jnp.sqrt(kappa/2) * a, jnp.sqrt(kappa/2) * (-1j * a)]
etas = [1.0, 1.0]
psi0 = dq.coherent(n, alpha0)
# define save times
nbins = 100
delta_t = 1/nbins
tsave = np.linspace(0, 1 / kappa, nbins+1)
# define a certain number of PRNG key, one for each trajectory
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
ntrajs = 1000
keys = jax.random.split(key, ntrajs)
# simulate trajectories
solver = dq.solver.EulerMaruyama(dt=1e-3)
options = dq.Options(save_states=False)
result = dq.dsmesolve(H, jump_ops, etas, psi0, tsave, keys, solver=solver, options=options)
==== SMESolveResult ====
Solver : Euler
Infos : 1000 steps | infos shape (1000,)
States : QArray complex64 (1000, 16, 16) | 2.0 Mb
Measurements : Array float32 (1000, 2, 100) | 781.2 Kb
>>> result.measurements.shape # (ntrajs, nLm, ntsave-1)
(1000, 2, 100)
Individual trajectories
Iks_x = result.measurements[:, 0]
Iks_p = result.measurements[:, 1]
fig, axs = dq.plot.grid(2, 2, w=6, h=2, sharexy=True)
ax0, ax1 = list(axs)
for Ik_x in Iks_x[:3]:
ax0.plot(tsave[:-1], Ik_x / np.sqrt(2), lw=1.5)
title=rf'Simulated measurements for 3 trajectories',
ylabel=r'$I_X^{[t,t+\Delta t)}/\sqrt{2}$',
for Ik_p in Iks_p[:3]:
ax1.plot(tsave[:-1], Ik_p / np.sqrt(2), lw=1.5)
ylabel=r'$I_P^{[t,t+\Delta t)}/\sqrt{2}$',
Averaged trajectories
plt.plot(tsave[:-1], jnp.mean(Iks_x / np.sqrt(2), axis=0), label=r'$\mathbb{E}[I_X/\sqrt{2}]$')
plt.plot(tsave[:-1], jnp.mean(Iks_p / np.sqrt(2), axis=0), label=r'$\mathbb{E}[I_P/\sqrt{2}]$')
alpha = alpha0 * jnp.exp(-kappa / 2 * tsave) * jnp.exp(-1j * omega * tsave)
plt.plot(tsave, alpha.real, label=rf'$\mathrm{{Tr}}[X\rho_t]$', ls='--', color='gray')
plt.plot(tsave, alpha.imag, label=rf'$\mathrm{{Tr}}[P\rho_t]$', ls='--', color='gray')
title=r'Measurement averaged over all trajectories and theory prediction',
ylim=(-2.5, 2.5),