hc = HermitianConjugate()
This symbol can be used as a shortcut to sum a qarray or a time-qarray with its Hermitian conjugate.
For a linear drive with amplitude omega
- H = a.dag() @ a + omega * a + omega.conj() * a.dag()
+ H = a.dag() @ a + (omega * a + dq.hc)
For two linear drives on two different modes:
- H = omega_a * a + omega_a.conj() * a.dag() + omega_b * b + omega_b.conj() * b
+ H = (omega_a * a + dq.hc) + (omega_b * b + dq.hc)
For a time-dependent linear drive:
omega = lambda t: jnp.cos(2.0 * jnp.pi * t)
- H = dq.modulated(omega, a)
- H += H.dag()
+ H = dq.modulated(omega, a) + dq.hc
The only valid operation with this symbol is right-addition to a qarray or a
time-qarray. Any other operation will raise a TypeError
The symbol applies on all terms present in the left-hand side of the addition. If you want to apply it to a single term, you should use parentheses to isolate it:
>>> sx, sz = dq.sigmax(), dq.sigmaz()
>>> sz + (sx + dq.hc)
QArray: shape=(2, 2), dims=(2,), dtype=complex64, layout=dia, ndiags=3
[[ 1.+0.j 2.+0.j]
[ 2.+0.j -1.+0.j]]
>>> sz + sx + dq.hc
QArray: shape=(2, 2), dims=(2,), dtype=complex64, layout=dia, ndiags=3
[[ 2.+0.j 2.+0.j]
[ 2.+0.j -2.+0.j]]