states: QArrayLike,
gif_duration: float = 5.0,
fps: int = 10,
w: float = 5.0,
xmax: float = 5.0,
ymax: float | None = None,
vmax: float = 2 / jnp.pi,
npixels: int = 101,
cmap: str = "dq",
interpolation: str = "bilinear",
cross: bool = False,
clear: bool = False
) -> Image
Plot a GIF of the Wigner function of multiple states.
Documentation redaction in progress.
See dq.plot.wigner()
for more details.
>>> n = 16
>>> a = dq.destroy(n)
>>> H = dq.zeros(n)
>>> jump_ops = [a @ a - 4.0 * dq.eye(n)] # cat state inflation
>>> psi0 = dq.coherent(n, 0)
>>> tsave = jnp.linspace(0, 1.0, 1001)
>>> result = dq.mesolve(H, jump_ops, psi0, tsave)
>>> gif = dq.plot.wigner_gif(result.states, fps=25, xmax=4.0, ymax=2.0)
>>> n = 16
>>> a = dq.destroy(n)
>>> H = a.dag() @ a.dag() @ a @ a # Kerr Hamiltonian
>>> psi0 = dq.coherent(n, 2)
>>> tsave = jnp.linspace(0, jnp.pi, 1001)
>>> result = dq.sesolve(H, psi0, tsave)
>>> gif = dq.plot.wigner_gif(
... result.states, gif_duration=10.0, fps=25, xmax=4.0, clear=True
... )